Workshop for The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

大家過到黎溫哥華有幾認識我哋呢個城市呢?9 月 30 日既「全國真相與和解日」(The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation)又到底有咩「真相」要和解?

街坊會好榮幸又有機會同「溫哥華博物館」合作,舉行 "What’s behind the scene? Vancouver History & Culture" 工作坊去認識呢個地方既歷史同真相。



活動分為兩部份, 第1️⃣部份30分鐘indigenous history導賞團, 第2️⃣部份係workshop, 會有原住民既belonging俾大家睇同學習。

然後用4️⃣個唔同方面 (First Nations worldview, weaving, language, ceremony) 去認識原住民既歷史同文化,然後再了解reconciliation同加拿大政府如何working toward the process of reconciliation)



*活動一經確認 不設退款

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Museum of Vancouver
1100 Chestnut Street, Vancouver BC, V6J 3J9.

When does the event happen?
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