


今次同大家去高桂林隔離嘅Belcarra行吓,呢條 Jug Island路線會帶你由 Belcarra地區公園,穿過Belcarra半島延伸至一個小海灘 (Jug Island Beach),喺呢到可以近距離欣賞附近 Jug Island嘅景色。

a. 簡介及路線

🥾 由 Belcarra Regional Park (Picnic Area) 停車場出發,一路沿着Jug Island Beach Trail 去到Jug Island海灘,欣賞對面嘅 Jug Island,我哋會喺Jug Island海灘食吓嘢唞吓。 如果有興趣嘅話,可以落水游吓。我哋食完嘢會沿路返去停車場。

路線參考1, 路線參考2

⌚ 需時:~ 2.5 - 3 小時

📏 路線長度:~5.4km (海拔增高度: 214m)

📶 難度:中等 (Intermediate)

⏏️中途退出點: 我們是沿路回程,所以可隨時回程。若中途退出就不會到達 Jug Island海灘欣賞對面嘅 Jug Island 。

b. 集合詳情及交通

📅 日期:9月8日(星期日)

⏰ 集合時間:10:30am

🚩 集合地點:Belcarra Regional Park (Picnic Area) (洗手間外面) Google Map

🚌 到達交通:坐 Skytrain Millennium 線去 Moody Centre 站,再搭 #182 巴士去 Bedwell Bay Road @ Midden Road (#58978 站),然後行270m (大概5分鐘)去到 Belcarra Regional Park (Picnic Area) (洗手間外面)

請注意: 巴士時間表出咗啦!!

#182巴士星期日9月8日一個鐘頭一班,喺Moody Centre 站(#61889站),坐9:15am嗰班巴士,9:44am去到Bedwell Bay Road @ Midden Road (#58978 站)!! 錯過咗呢班巴士要10:15am先至再有巴士,咁就趕唔切我哋10:30am 開始行山㗎啦!!


🚗 泊車:Belcarra Regional Park (Picnic Area) 有收費停車場 (map)

🚕 Carpool:如果需要,我哋可以幫手盡力安排 carpool,但係未能保證一定安排到

c. 費用

👫🏻 會員 - 免費及可以幫一名非會員免費報名 (亦即係會員可以免費報名兩個人包括會員本人)

👥 非會員 - 每位 $5 (支持街坊會運作。退票需要喺9月5號下午四點前,同時街坊會亦會收取$2手續及行政費用。)


d. 注意事項/ 事前準備

⚠️注意事項:視乎天氣而定 - 請在活動日期和時間前 24 小時檢查你的電子郵件,以確認活動沒有因惡劣天氣(如太大風、太大雨)而取消

⚠️ WAIVER: You, the reader, acknowledge that participation in a hiking activity carries with it inherent risks including, but not limited to, the risk of injury. And you, the reader, freely accept and fully assume all such risk(s). It is the responsibility of each participant of a trip to familiarize themselves with the risks of hiking and other such related activities, to weigh those risks against the advantages, and to decide whether or not to participate. Vancouver Kaifong (Neighbourhood) Association executive, organizers, and members cannot and will not assume liability in respect of any of these risks, dangers, hazards and liabilities. Participants further acknowledge that it is their responsibility to ensure that they carry adequate medical, extended health, dental and accident insurance coverage, as well as protection for personal possessions. It is the participants individual responsibility to verify that they are in good health and are physically capable of carrying out the hiking activity or any activity organized by Vancouver Kaifong (Neighbourhood)  Association. Therefore, in consideration of being allowed to participate, individuals release Vancouver Kaifong (Neighbourhood)  Association, and its organizers, executive, webmasters, email senders and members from all liability in respect of any personal injury suffered, any damage or loss of personal property, which my arise out of participation in a hiking activity.