街坊會做義工 - 食物銀行 (Food Bank)


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a. 簡介

#義工招募 即使唔係經濟專家,你都可以抗通脹!

「通貨膨脹導致生活成本大幅增加」你以為只係新聞報導中經濟專家嘅說詞?其實現實生活中需要食物銀行 (Food Bank) 服務嘅人比想像中多,就算家庭有基本收入,好多人都需要領取食物援助去減輕生活負擔。

今次我哋去#本拿比食物銀行(Food Bank) 幫手做義工。作為社區公民,我哋得到社區支援嘅同時,亦希望可以回饋社會,去幫助其他有需要嘅人。而且喺加拿大做義工係一個認識社區、建立人脈嘅渠道,想認識新朋友,擴闊社交圈子嘅你又點可以錯過呢?名額有限,希望到時見到你!

b. 集合詳情及交通

🚩地點: Food Bank 食物銀行 8345 Winston Street, Burnaby Google map

⏰時間:9:20am - 3:30pm

🚌到達交通:由Production Way-University 天車站行10分鐘 👉see directions

🚗泊車:Food Bank 食物銀行有免費泊車

c. 注意事項

⚠️ WAIVER: You, the reader, acknowledge that participation in this activity carries with it inherent risks including, but not limited to, the risk of injury. And you, the reader, freely accept and fully assume all such risk(s). It is the responsibility of each participant to familiarize themselves with the risks of this event and other such related activities, to weigh those risks against the advantages, and to decide whether or not to participate. Vancouver Kaifong (Neighbourhood) Association executive, organizers, and members cannot and will not assume liability in respect of any of these risks, dangers, hazards and liabilities. Participants further acknowledge that it is their responsibility to ensure that they carry adequate medical, extended health, dental and accident insurance coverage, as well as protection for personal possessions. It is the participants individual responsibility to verify that they are in good health and are physically capable of carrying out the activity or any activity organized by Vancouver Kaifong (Neighbourhood) Association. Therefore, in consideration of being allowed to participate, individuals release Vancouver Kaifong (Neighbourhood) Association, and its organizers, executive, webmasters, email senders and members from all liability in respect of any personal injury suffered, any damage or loss of personal property, which my arise out of participation in this activity.