English Conversation: Face to Face (Sep 2023)

Join us at “English Conversation Face-to-Face” on the last Saturday of each month!

Walk and Chill @ Trout Lake

Event Itinerary

Meeting Point: Outside Trout Lake Community Centre entrance

Address: 3360 Victoria Drive, Vancouver

Gather Time: 10:30 AM


  1. Icebreakers and Briefing (10:30 AM - 10:50 AM)
    - Icebreakers to kick off the event.
    - Overview of the "treasure hunt" type games.

  2. Walk to Farmer's Market (10:50 AM - 11:10 AM)
    - A short walk through Trout Lake Park.
    - Engage participants in English conversation during the walk.

  3. "Treasure Hunt" at Farmer's Market (11:10 AM - 12:15 PM)
    - Carry out the "treasure hunt" games while browsing the market for interesting things.
    - Encourage participants to interact with vendors.

  4. Wrap-Up and Farewell (12:15 PM - 12:30 PM)
    - Meet at the far end of the Farmer's Market.
    - Share findings of the "treasure hunt" and say goodbye.
    - Optional: Those interested can purchase food/drinks from the market and continue conversations.

About this event

Want to improve your English speaking skills but have nobody to practice with?

Afraid of conversing in English because you are shy or worried about how other people might see you?

Always concerned about grammar or vocabulary and therefore, not confident in making English conversations?

Then you need to come join us at “English Conversation Face-to-Face” on the last Saturday of each month!

“English Conversation Face-to-Face” is a no-judging, no-teaching session where you have plenty of opportunities to speak in English via playing games in small groups. You get to meet other like-minded people wanting to improve their English conversation skills.

All levels of English speaking skills are welcome.

Participants who do not attend the session will be prohibited from joining the next one.

The booking period for this event is over.

Where does the event happen? Trout Lake Community Centre, 3360 Victoria Drive, Vancouver

When does the event happen?
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Regular ticket

Register for FREE or contribute any amount to support our mission! 🌟