活動詳情 Workshop details


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就業講座會以英語舉行。The workshop will be conducted in English.

In-Person Workshop: Master Your Pitch, Network Confidently, and Prepare for Job Fair Success


When 🗓️: Thursday April 10, 2025

Time 🕟:

5:00pm - 5:30pm - Registration and light refreshment + mingle/networking

5:30pm - 7:00pm - Workshop

Place 🚩: MOSAIC (5575 Boundary Road) - Classrooms 3, 4, 5


(venue sponsored by MOSAIC)

Facilitator 👩‍: Sam Seo, MOSAIC Employment Program Coordinator – Next Steps Program

About the Workshop 📒

Ø The workshop's content will be leaning more on effective networking and preparing / practicing the critical elevator pitch.

Ø There will be a segment in the session where participants write their own elevator pitch and actually practice deliver their pitch, simulate the networking scene, handshake and all.

Ø The workshop will also discuss the importance of preparing key job search tools including resume, cover letter (what makes an effective resume and cover) and referring them to resources to further support them with resume, cover letter, and interview prep.

Ø The workshop will provide a quick guide to preparing themselves for the 13th MOSAIC Annual Job Fair scheduled on May 13th – one of the leading and biggest employer-facing events participated In by 60++ top employers - ALL HIRING for multiple positions across all sectors.

Register today!

⚠️ 注意事項 | Note:

🚰 為響應環保,請自備飲用水樽 | To support the green initiative, please bring your own water bottle.

📷 報名參加者同意拍照 | By registering, you consent to pictures being taken that day.

📩 參加者同意講座參加者註冊資料可與講者MOSAIC 代表分享 | By registering, you consent to having your registered information shared with MOSAIC.

🚗 泊車安排: 講座場地附近設有收費停車場,或可以泊在可以泊車的路旁 | There are paid parking lots nearby or you can park on the streets where allowed.

🚉 由Joyce-Collingwood天車站步行13分鐘 | It's a 13-minute walk from Joyce-Collingwood skytrain station. - see map