
In-Person Workshop: Master Your Pitch, Network Confidently, and Prepare for Job Fair Success

就業講座會以英語舉行 | The workshop will be conducted in English.

👉活動詳情按此 | Workshop details

⚠️ 注意事項 | Note:
🚰 為響應環保,請自備飲用水樽 | To support the green initiative, please bring your own water bottle.
📷 報名參加者同意拍照 | By registering, you consent to pictures being taken that day.
📩 參加者同意講座參加者註冊資料可與講者MOSAIC 代表分享 | By registering, you consent to having your registered information shared with MOSAIC.

Where does the event happen? MOSAIC - 5575 Boundary Road - Classrooms 3, 4 and 5

When does the event happen?
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A service fee of 1.8 % per order will be added to the order total.


入場門票 Tickets

Free admission. You can choose $0 or adjust the amount to donate to support the operation of the Vancouver Kaifong (Neighborhood) Association.

36 currently available

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