🚰 為響應環保,請自備飲用水樽 (To support the green initiative, please bring your own water bottle.)
📸 報名參加者出席即代表同意拍照 (By registering, you consent to photo taking that day.)
👥 大會將盡量根據參加者的個人意願,分成多個小組,輪流與來自8個行業的15位專才進行交流。(We will do our best to match up your preferred industry guests in the group mingling, but cannot guarantee.) 講者嘅安排亦可能會有變動。(The guests' arrangements are also subject to change.)
🚗 泊車安排: 講座場地附近有付費和免費的停車位,或者你也可以在允許停車的街道上停車。 (There are paid & free parking lots nearby or you can park on the streets where allowed.)
🚉 由Metrotown天車站步行6分鐘 (It's a 6-minute walk from Metrotown skytrain station.) - see map
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