



人在異鄉 重啟事業 Rebooting career as newcomers 

When 🗓️: Saturday April 13, 2024

Time 🕟:

10:00am - 10:15am - 登記 / 互相交流 Registration / Mingle

10:15am - 11:00am - 持續進修 提升就業 Boosting employability with continuous learning

- Michael Yue and Cindy Chan - VCC (英語/廣東話)

11:00am - 11:40am - Leveraging transferable skills / Alternative careers and resources 充分利用可轉移技能 / 另類職業和資源

- Heidi Henkenhaf – Program Advisor Skilled Immigrant Infor Centre – the Vancouver Public Library (英語)

11:40am - 11:55am - 休息 / 茶點 Break / Light refreshment

11:55am - 12:25pm - 移民轉職之路 重新塑造人生 Embracing Career Change: Navigating the Canadian Context

- Edward Kwok (廣東話)

12:25pm - 12:40pm - 從待業走向就業顧問之旅 Unemployed to Empowered: Crafting a Fulfilling Career as a Labour Market Counsellor

- Grace Yao (廣東話)

12:40pm - 1:00pm - 互相交流 Mingle

Place 🚩: MOSAIC (5575 Boundary Road) - Community room


(venue sponsored by MOSAIC)

演講者Speakers (點擊查看個人簡介 Click to see the profiles of speakers):

👨🏻‍🏫 Michael Yue, Vancouver Community College - Director of Partnership Development

👩‍ Cindy Chan, Vancouver Community College - Program Coordinator, Continuing Education

👩‍ Heidi Henkenhaf, Vancouver Public Library Skilled Immigrant InfoCentre - Auxiliary Reference Librarian

👨🏻‍🏫 Edward Kwok, Immigration Services Society of BC (ISSofBC) - LINC Instructor

👩‍ Grace Yao, Richmond Multicultural Community Services - Labour Market Counsellor 

Register today!

⚠️ 注意事項 (Note):

🚰 為響應環保,請自備飲用水樽 (To support the green initiative, please bring your own water bottle.)

🎥 敬請留意講座會同步進行錄影,報名參加者出席即代表同意錄影 (By registering, you consent to video recording that day.)

📩 參加者同意講座參加者註冊資料可與講者MOSAIC 代表分享 (By registering, you consent to having your registered information shared with MOSAIC.)

🚗 泊車安排: 講座場地附近設有收費停車場,或可以泊在可以泊車的路旁 (There are paid parking lots nearby or you can park on the streets where allowed.)

🚉 由Joyce-Collingwood天車站步行13分鐘 (It's a 13-minute walk from Joyce-Collingwood skytrain station.) - see map