活動詳情 Workshop details


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就業講座會以英語舉行。The workshop will be conducted in English.

In-Person Workshop on Effective Job Search Strategies and Preparing for Job Fairs

When 🗓️: Thursday April 4, 2024

Time 🕟:

5:00pm - 5:30pm - Registration and light refreshment

5:30pm - 7:30pm - Workshop

Place 🚩: MOSAIC (5575 Boundary Road) - Classrooms 3, 4, 5


(venue sponsored by MOSAIC)

Facilitator 👩‍: Sam Seo, MOSAIC Employment Services Advisor - Career Paths for Skilled Immigrants Program

About the Workshop 📒

Learn strategic job search techniques and approaches beyond simply applying for online postings.

This being the season for job fairs, we will also feature a segment on how you can put your best foot forward before, during and after a job fair! 

Ø  Learn proven tips and strategies

Ø  Discover how to effectively market yourself to employers

Ø  Learn practical insights from a recruiter’s perspective

Ø  Learn how to navigate the virtual job fair platform to optimize employer engagement

Find out how you can stand out and impress recruiters!

Register today!

⚠️ 注意事項 | Note:

🚰 為響應環保,請自備飲用水樽 | To support the green initiative, please bring your own water bottle.

🎥 敬請留意講座會同步進行錄影,報名參加者出席即代表同意錄影 | By registering, you consent to video recording that day.

📩 參加者同意講座參加者註冊資料可與講者MOSAIC 代表分享 | By registering, you consent to having your registered information shared with MOSAIC.

🚗 泊車安排: 講座場地附近設有收費停車場,或可以泊在可以泊車的路旁 | There are paid parking lots nearby or you can park on the streets where allowed.

🚉 由Joyce-Collingwood天車站步行13分鐘 | It's a 13-minute walk from Joyce-Collingwood skytrain station. - see map